Monday, January 24, 2022

CBD Boxes Cannot Be Undermined

 Boxes are available in a wide variety these days. They are rivals to paper and plastic bags and for many reasons, they are preferred over bags. Paper and plastic bags have limited strength and safety. Low strength and safety make bags less popular. Hence, boxes are important and favored for many reasons. This is the reason there is a need for good packing boxes like never before.

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is the second most popular drug after marijuana and is vastly used as a medical agent nowadays. Cannabidiol and its products are widely used in medical treatment as a curing drug. Therefore, like all other medical products, Cannabidiol requires special packing. CBD Boxes are produced for this purpose. They are specially manufactured to hold CBD products safe and usable. Like most medicines require proper atmosphere conditions during storage, CBD products are nothing different. And as a result, proper boxes need to be manufactured for Cannabidiol products.


Importance of CBD Boxes

Medicines are consumed in large quantities every day. They are packed and stored properly in medical and drug stores. This is because medicines are sensitive and consumed by patients. As a result, they must be stored and packed with perfection. Special conditions such as refrigerators are provided for certain medicines whereas some require tightly sealed packing. Similarly, Cannabidiol products require accurate packing.

CBD products are also consumed in large quantities as medical drugs. They have immense importance in the medical field and science. Therefore, like all other medical products, they must be packed and stored with perfection. Custom CBD Boxes serve the purpose as they are specially manufactured for CBD products.

These boxes provide tight packing with accurate sealing to prevent atmosphere impurities reach the product. Like all other medicines, CBD products are also packed in double to increase safety and usage. Tablets are packed like common medicines and then stored in these special boxes. Hence, you cannot possibly undermine the importance of these special boxes for Cannabidiol products.


Boxes for Different CBD Products

Like all medicines, CBD products vary in packing, size, and usage. There are a wide variety of CBD products available for use. They include lotions, creams, salves, oils, and gummies. These products are used by consumers based on doctors’ advice.

·Boxes for CBD Lotions

Lotions are generally long bottles with a heavyweight. They are packed accordingly in strong boxes so that they are easily packed and stacked. Boxes for storing CBD lotions are generally made up of corrugated paper. Corrugated paper is thick and multiple sheets can be attached together to provide more strength. In this way, these medical lotions remain tightly and accurately packed.

·Boxes for CBD Gummies

Gummies are another CBD product widely used. They are in small cylindrical cases usually made of metal. Though they are light in weight. Hence, proper boxes are made to precisely contain these CBD gummies in place. Generally, these cases are tightly covered in plastic and then stored inside the boxes. Due to its low weight, boxes for gummies are made of cardboard. This is because cardboard is best for holding lightweight products.

·Boxes for CBD Oils


Oil products require proper and tight packing to avoid leakage. This is why CBD oils are first contained inside tightly sealed bottles and then packed in boxes. CBD Boxes made for oils have the auto-lock feature for tight packing. It is a good practice to even cover the box with a plastic sheet to make tight packing as much as possible.

Customize Your Packing with These Ideas

There are a number of ways boxes can be customized and modified. This customization mostly depends on buyers. Boxes are customized in sizes, shapes, designs, and other features. Custom Boxes Mart is the best packaging company in the USA.

·Box Design

Designing is the most important part in any respect. Boxes for packing and storing products must be designed with perfection. Apart from size and shape, boxes are designed having different closing methods. Some boxes are all open whereas some have an auto-lock feature for tight sealing. Some boxes even include a sliding feature.

·Print Images

One of the most common customizations is to add images to the boxes. Images such as brand logos are quite common. Moreover, images of products can also be added to make the boxes look attractive and informative.

·Add Catchy Lines

Another common customization technique is to add catchy bottom lines. These may be quotes or brand trademarks. These lines can even be bottom lines specified for certain products.

· Add a See-Through Window

Advanced customization is to provide the users the ability of product identification. See-through windows are quite common in this regard. They are added into the boxes in empty spaces. These windows are transparent plastics that provide a glimpse of the product stored. In this way, customization is possible for providing product views to the users. It is extremely helpful when multiple products are stored and stacked in boxes on shelves.

·Color Your Boxes

Adding color is very important. Boxes are colored to improve the overall look of the product and box unit. This is the final customization step. Cool and dark color shades are provided depending upon buyers’ demands. Providing a good color makes the boxes look stylish and vibrant.

Be Responsible, Choose Boxes

Plastic bags and shoppers are quite common these days. But these packing products must be stopped sooner rather than later. They provide low safety and cannot be recycled. Paper bags are also common. Their main disadvantage is low strength and safety. This is the reason boxes are preferred over paper and plastic bags.

However, there are other important factors while choosing boxes over bags. Boxes are made up of cardboard generally. Kraft and corrugated paper are also common. All these materials are cheap, easily available, and can be easily recycled. This means that boxes made from these three materials can be used for many other reasons.

CBD Boxes are typically made of cardboard and corrugated paper. Cardboard is used for lightweight and corrugated paper for heavy products.


Essential Tips to Design Custom Boxes for a product Display

 If you want to give your new brand a high success and to target potential customers, it is extremely important to add your product with attractive packaging. And when we talk about few most popular packaging solutions, then the use of custom gift boxes hits our mind.

You can have the custom boxes packaging available in versatile designs and sizing options to let the product turn out to be the center of attraction. Hence, it is always a preferable option to opt for the packaging solutions which fits according to the product and customer requirements.

Essential Tips to Design Custom Boxes for your Brand

You don’t need to follow any rocket science to design adequate custom boxes design. There are few essential aspects which you need to follow to attract your customers. As we take into concern the packaging industry, it does not value what is inside the box. You should just be conscious about presenting the exterior box with an excellent beauty.

Both the interior and exterior sides need to be complementing looking for one another. Never choose plain brown for packing the extensions. Hence, this is a wrong idea! It might be a lot cost-effective for the brand, but within the long run, it is fully harmful. Besides, you should look for the material which is of excellent quality.

Look for Affordable and Eco-friendly Packaging Ideas

Your boxes wholesale has to be eco-friendly, affordable, and have an excellent set of printing artwork. A customer will not be choosing your product if they eventually find that the custom boxes with handle packaging are in dull forms. If you are letting your pen product be transported from one place to another, make sure the packaging favor boxes packaging is strong and durable. Hence, this will help your pen to stay safe from getting melted.

Never compromise on the material at all because it will directly affect the quality of your product. Like the rest of the design, your overall white custom boxes packaging for the colorful boxes has to be on point.

Choose colors that evoke the mood and emotion of your customer. Both the interior and exterior sides need to be complementing looking for one another. The colors should fully complement your brand and your product inside the best manner. Plus, it would be best not to add the box with the unwanted set of images, or the texts. Do not add patterns to avoid looking it extra messy.

Opt for Modern Printing Techniques for Box Packaging

Look for the modern printing methods/approaches to let your corrugated custom boxes packaging appear classy. Make it look appealing in front of the customers. You should get in touch with the manufacturing companies who are best in their task of manufacturing services.

By placing your orders in bulk quantity, you will be able to get discount offers at a premium level. Look for a reliable company who are already having huge experience in packaging great custom gift boxes patterns.

Consider the Product Dimensions and Needs

You should be giving the whole custom boxes a perfect impression of designing by knowing about the product dimensions and its basic needs. This is how you will be able to know the exact size of your box packaging as well.

Hence, this element plays an important role because at the end of the day, this packaging size will also decide your budget limitations as well. It would be rather best if you will measure the product from all sides and equally measure the box sides as well. You have to balance both the product and packaging boxes wholesale requirements together to add it with extra perfection.


Well, this was all about how you can add your custom boxes wholesale with the design and perfection for an excellent product display. No doubt that simple and easy to follow tips has been discussed which even a beginner can try as well.

Custom Boxes Mart main recommendation would be to give a look at the competitor packaging designs. In this way, you will be able to have a better idea about what sort of packaging trends are latest growing in the market.


Friday, January 21, 2022

Why Rigid Boxes are the Priority of Luxury Brands in the Current Marketplace?

 Rigid boxes are considered valuable and perfect to accommodate valuable luxurious items. Previously, the only concern of the packaging was to keep the retail products safe during storing, shipment or delivery. Nowadays, you can achieve bugger purposes with the boxes. So many packaging types are available in the market because of its high demand in all industries. However, Collapsible rigid boxes are the most innovative, premium, and appealing packaging solution.

Made of high-quality strong material with premium sheet wrapping, these boxes very well define the value and quality of inside items. You can keep the jewelry, perfumes, watches, mobile accessories, and other fragile items in them. They not only keep the products in their original condition but improve their shelve display. Ultimately, you will get considerable attention from the target audience by leaving a long-term impact on their minds.

Rigid Packaging Importance and Functions

This packaging type is more durable, creative, luxurious, and unique than the traditional cartons. Available in a number of styles, shapes, and sizes, they add much glamour and charm to the products.

A large number of luxury brands across the globe utilize these boxes to perfectly store and present their products. This helps them to attract potential buyers quickly while positively impact their buying decision. So, you can achieve desired sales outcomes, shelve visibility and reliability by using high-end Flap rigid packaging.

Perfect Packaging Option

Since rigid containers are manufactured out of strong material that is sturdy enough to hold the weight. You can excellently accommodate delicate items in these boxes for a long time without the risk of damage. Additionally, additional features such as magnetic closures and presentation features make these boxes.


The reusable or recyclable nature of rigid packaging makes them the perfect choice of modern retailers to store their products. You can reuse them to accommodate multiple items that save costs as well as the environment.

Perfect Product Presentation

Present your products appealingly o the shelves with the help of well-crafted rigid packaging. They come with die-cuts, easy opening and closing, windows, and other features that enhance product visibility. Wonderful colors and design patterns make them more fascinating. Doing appropriate creativity on these boxes can help your items being presented in an idyllic way.

Branding and Advertisement

With the help of custom Magnetic Closure rigid boxes, you can fulfill your marketing and branding concerns. You are available with incredible opportunities to print your brand’s logo, name, tagline, or other details on them. Moreover, you can create the designs and patterns of the boxes as per your specific requirements. Through this, you can effectively address packaging as well as promotion concerns.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cosmetic Boxes Impact on Improving Your Brand's Image and Value in the Marketplace

Cosmetic boxes work as great advertising and branding tools. They are also effective to provide useful information about the inside items while keeping them safe from environmental hazards and damages. Whether you are establishing a new cosmetic business or dealing with an existing one, innovative packaging boxes are important. They formulate a positive brand image while attracting people quickly.

Why Cosmetic Packaging is Important?

If you want to make a valuable market position by expanding business sales, appropriate packaging of beauty products is essential. This is helpful to make a loyal customer family quickly and easily. Furthermore, you can formulate a strong relationship with your customers. By using high-end cosmetic boxes in auspicious themes and graphics, you convey your brand's concerns for the customers. Also, they cast a great first impression on buyers that is key to boost up sales and revenues. Hence, cosmetic packaging is important for the following reasons!

·       Give Information About the Cosmetic Products

A simple, clear yet fascinating packaging boxes for cosmetics truly communicates with the target audience. Your main goal is to make people buy your products. For this, you must convey a concrete brand message and engaging information about the inside product. A catchy and unique design is of course an additional benefit to attract customers. Your Cosmetic packaging like cream boxes, Eyelash Boxes, Eyeshadow Boxes and Lip Balm Boxes must incorporate the following elements!

·       The product name, uses, and precautions

·       Manufacturing and Expiry Date

·       Brand's logo ad name

·       Ingredients and nature of the products

·       Quantity and warnings

·       Cosmetic Packaging Provide Protection

Protection of beauty products against damages is the primary concern of all the retailers. This is because people always want to get these products in perfect condition. Good cosmetic encasing not only maintains a positive brand image but also keeps the products in their actual form.

·       Prevent accidental shaking, leakage, and breakage

·       Protect from moisture, dust, and contamination

·       Keep the products safe from temperature effects and sunlight

Great Branding and Advertisement Tools

If you want your cosmetic products to be number one in the market, you must focus on their packaging. When so many brands are there, it is the only way to enjoy the desirable success, visibility, and profitability. Nicely designed custom cosmetic boxes with your brand's specifications such as logo, name, taglines, and more win customers' loyalty.

·       Tells about the values and concerns of your brand

·       Builds customer loyalty

·       Matters a lot for a positive brand image

·       Make people familiar with your brand and products at first glance

·       Add value to your business and increase sales

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Get high Quality Custom Flap Boxes at Wholesale Prices

 Custom Boxes Mart offers custom made flap boxes at wholesale prices. Flap boxes manufacture in cardboard, Kraft and Rigid Stock. We offer free shipping services and free design support. Get your quote today.

Affordable Custom Printed Credit Card Boxes at Wholesale Price

 Looking for custom boxes for your credit cards? Custom Boxes Mart offers high end custom credit card boxes at wholesale prices with free shipping services. You can have credit card boxes in cardboard, rigid and Kraft stock. Get your quote today!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Why do you need wholesale custom boxes for promoting your small brand?

 The custom-printed packaging boxes, luxury paper packaging boxes, customized rigid boxes, and customized shipping boxes are a few of the most in-demand products in wholesale today! Customers trust these products, and they are highly demanded around the world.

You can find information about their pricing scheme, packaging, and shipping options if you are interested in starting a business of this type.

First of all, let us just talk about what is the meaning of shipping custom boxes and what it does. Business owners need packaging and shipping boxes more than anything else. In addition to transporting goods, these products are also used for packaging purposes to make them safe from loss, theft, and damage.

Business boxes and packaging are essential products. They need to be design out uniquely. Customer impressions are crucial before they pick up a product. In addition to encouraging sales, designs should create a ripple effect, attracting more customers.

The Importance of Product Packaging can never be overstated 

Several companies deliver customized packing boxes to different clients as part of their service of providing custom packing boxes. Using them can make your packaging look more professional. Hence they can provide you with a quality packaging box that will meet your needs.

Your products will look unique with this kind of packaging. According to us, consumers decide whether or not to buy any of the products in just 7 seconds. Consumer behaviour plays a crucial role in branding and marketing.

Heavy-duty materials are hence much used in these cheap boxes so that they will last a long time. Packaging products that are fragile and delicate, as well as bulky products, is best available with these.

Customers can order these boxes from several manufacturers to suit their needs and satisfy their requirements. Therefore, if you want to ship products safely and reliably, you should look for a company that offers shipping boxes and can send them for you. You can choose from cardboard boxes when it comes to this type of packaging and shipping boxes.

Packaging Boxes of Different Types

Boxes of different types are available for packaging. They're manufacture up of corrugate style boxes. This is because are durable, lightweight, and are of high-density polypropylene.

And this helps them stay airtight for a longer period. You can find some unique colors which are suited according to the product requirements.

Most of the companies are offering product packaging and the delivery services online to meet all your major needs. You can find with the CBD products packaging or rigid boxes, cosmetic packaging or custom candle packaging. Consider out as comparing the significant features and prices of different companies.

You can even use custom mailers for the sake of packaging and shipping. Compared to other types of wholesale packing boxes, mailers are more durable and reliable. It is substantial and difficult to break or rip to keep your product safe and in case of accidents.

Our company has well-trained employees who can help you choose the correct storage box for your needs. This significant benefit will help you get a better series of responses from your customers. And will thus increase sales for your whole new business.

How you can design custom wholesale packaging boxes professionally?

It is best that you should take the help of Adobe Photoshop. This is best software to choose to design the custom packaging wholesale boxes fully. Whenever you are ready to create custom boxes, you should begin by measuring the size of the box. The measurement of the length and width of the container and its depth and width has to be hold on with care. 

You should be calculating the open area of the sheet as you finish taking measurements so that you can then design your custom boxes. As soon as you have the proper series of measures in your account, the time has come for the perfect design of custom packaging boxes. Through some online printers, you can easily access the cosmetic box template.


So let your brand be the prominent and powerful one by sharing some unique cheap custom boxes designs in front of them. Consider the latest packaging trends and see which one of them suits your product and customer requirements. 

Custom Valentines Day Boxes - Wholesale Gift Packaging Boxes

Order your custom Valentines day boxes designed and manufactured by the packaging experts of Custom Boxes Mart. Wholesale Packaging Solution.